Museums and many other cultural institutions are being redefined in the digital age. Shouldn’t membership card evolve as well? So we would like to talk about our product that will help you to modernize the membership. eMembership card on member’s phone is generated from Altru, Raiser’s Edge, Raiser’s Edge NXT and Fundly CRM software or any other membership system.
eMembership card can enhance the member’s experience and benefit them as well as the museums in a number of ways.
- eMembership card is smart enough as it knows what to do when its renewal date approaches.
- The frequency of the renewal reminder notification can be customized as per the museum.
- You can send customized invitation or greetings to your members along with the filtration option, where you can select the members as per your choice.
- You can send push-notification to your members regarding the upcoming events and exhibitions.
- If the membership card gets lapsed you can benefit your members with quick e-delivery of new membership cards.
- Not only this, but museum app can show current benefits to the member and you can tempt your members to upgrade to next higher membership level.
- Membership Card can be added to Apple Wallet which means once your member has downloaded the digital membership card, he/she can save it to the Apple Wallet in order to avoid going to the application again and again.
Our solution is easy to implement and customize. eMembership cards gives the institutions an opportunity to quickly and easily improve their membership engagement.
Apart from benefitting the members with digital membership card, museums can also enjoy the benefits as they will cut down on the expense which includes; mailing expenses which museums must have been doing for a long time. The recurring costs can also be saved on internal costs of printing, separating, stuffing envelopes, mailing, supplies and staff time.
So, if you have special requirements like Guest Passes, Caregiver Cards, Guest membership or have another membership system other than Altru or RE, let us know and we will take care of those.
Feel free to reach us via email or call 703.652.6630